Learn Finance Through Gaming – What Can 4 Popular Games Teach Us?

Ever wondered if we can learn finance through gaming? What can a game teach us about finance? We seldom see overt recommendations that people take to gaming in order to learn the principles of finance. At the same time, however, specific insinuations to this end do come up. For instance, some who like to play …

20 Best AI Art Generators From Text – Text To Image AI Tools [2023]

AI art generators are pieces of software that create images or videos based on a set of parameters that you provide. Some AI art generators are more complex than others, but all of them can be used to create interesting and unique results. Best AI Art Generators In this blog post, we’ll look at the …


10 Best Negotiation Tactics From Secrets Of Power Negotiating | Best Books List

Negotiation is a very valuable skill. Be it any business transaction like signing a contract, or a consumer purchase like buying or selling a car or house, or be it negotiating a higher salary at a job, negotiation skills are golden. Best Negotiation Tactics (Jump To Section) “Secrets Of Power Negotiating” by Roger Dawson is …