Starbucks Consumer vs Investor: $4 Per Day In 5 Years

Starbucks Consumer vs Investor: Here’s a quick take on how the consumer vs investor mindset would have played out for a Starbucks (or any coffee shop) consumer vs an investor. The same logic can be applied to anything you consume – be it food, physical goods, digital services. We thought it would be interesting for you to see this perspective.

Starbucks Consumer vs Investor: Assumptions For the Comparison

The Starbucks Investor invested $4 every trading day (toward the closing of the market) using the fractional shares feature in the Starbucks stock.

The Starbucks Consumer purchased a cappuccino for $4 on every working day i.e. same days as the stock market was open in the US.

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Adjusted Close Price has been used for the analysis. Dividend adjustments are incorporated in the price. Any other bonus/dividend that the investor might have received, and has not been considered in adjusted close price by Yahoo Finance, is not computed in this study.

Starbucks Consumer vs Investor
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Conclusion of Starbucks Consumer vs Investor Comparison – Who Did Better?

Starbucks Consumer

The Starbucks Consumer would have spent $5,032 on 1,258 cups of cappuccino over the last 5 years.

Starbucks Investor

The Starbucks Investor would own 79.40 shares of the Starbucks stock worth $8,718 (dividends excluded) as of May 13, 2021.

So, Who Did Better?

There’s no right answer here. For some, the 1,258 cups of cappuccino are totally worth it, while others might prefer to have the $8,700 instead.

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A mixed strategy might be the best option for most people – a little splurge, a little investment for the perfect balance! After all, we all love a good cup of coffee.

starbucks consumer vs investor