How to Invest in Web 3.0 [Plus Easy Guide To Web 3.0]

Web 3.0 is quite a complex process that needs a lot of homework before getting into it. If you are interested to know more about web 3.0 and want to learn how to invest in web 3.0, then this article is just for you.

How To Invest In Web 3.0? (Jump To Section)

The next generation of internet service is just at your doorstep. Truth be told, the rise of the internet has changed the world completely. It became the launching pad for lots of technological revolutions which changed our lifestyle radically. With the ease of the internet, there are no more geographical barriers. Reaching out to our close ones through digital modes is a mere one click away. Things in science fiction books and movies are a reality to some extent these days.

To get the most out of this digital world, all companies are now trying to build something new. They have been laying down the base for the next generation of internet services. And guess what! It is Web 3.0. Let’s get familiar with web 3.0 – the future of the internet and get to know how to invest in web 3.0.

What Is Web 3.0?

At the time of the birth of the internet, there was only web 1.0 or the syntactic web(read-only web). In that situation, the whole bunch of web pages were static and people couldn’t communicate with each other. Besides, those who were web 1.0 users, could not read HTML webpages. HTML webpages were the main source of news articles along with non-interactive content. Examples of web 1.0 are static websites, personal websites, etc. The era of web 1.0 was from 1990 to 2000. So, it became a necessity to get something new and an upgraded version of the web was needed.

At the end of the 1990s, a new version began to take shape. This was the new version that enabled people to interact easily and more actively through the internet. This was the rising period of web 2.0(from 2000 to 2010, continues till now) or the read-write web. In the era of web 2.0, lots of corporate giants like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc started to create and share people-oriented as well as user-generated digital content. All of these social media platforms make use of web technologies like HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript frameworks. These technologies help people to interact and share more digital content easily.

When all of these new-age digital platforms arose, a new kind of business model was born which included a lot of social networking sites and mobile apps. Well, that was the first time when people got a new chance of earning which was next to impossible in the era of web 1.0.

Now, after all these years, an even more powerful version of the internet is en route which is going to take over the whole ethernet world. It is web 3.0- the strongest and most efficient version ever since 2010. Web 3.0 is something that is already accepted by people and they are experiencing some new and upgraded features of web 3.0.

invest in web 3.0

Properties Of Web 3.0

To understand the real nuances of web 3.0 and to learn how to invest in web 3.0, you have to first understand its four basic properties. Here are those:

  • Semantic web
  • Artificial intelligence
  • 3D graphics
  • Ubiquitous

1. Semantic Web

This is one of the key elements of this new-age web. The term semantic web was first coined by Tim Berners-Lee. He used this word to make people understand a web of data that can be operated by a machine. The semantic web is something that works with the meaning of the emotion conveyed by the data. The semantic web works with artificial intelligence and it helps computers to understand what lies in the data. To utilize the data, the web will use artificial intelligence to make use of the information.

If you ask this in a very basic language, then the semantic web is to create a spider web of knowledge and various information throughout the internet. This will help to generate the meaning of all the pieces of information. Also, it will help to share and connect information through a proper search as well as analysis. Semantic web technologies are RDF, OWL, SWRL, SPARQL, associative database, triple stores, etc. Intelligent applications are machine learning, autonomous agent, natural language processing, etc.

2. Artificial intelligence

The next cornerstone is artificial intelligence. Apart from the whole blockchain technology, artificial intelligence is the hot brownie in the tech world. Artificial intelligence is the doorway for machines to be more intelligent so that users can get more satisfaction from the machine. Undoubtedly, AI will be the best intelligence power ever that will filter and present the best data to all users. Artificial intelligence is now going to learn how to separate good things and bad things. It will also provide minute detailed information about the data.

invest in web 3.0

3. 3D graphics

When it comes to the acceptability of web design, the three-dimensional world is always above the two-dimensional one. It goes the same for the cyber world too. Web 3.0 is going to change the whole perspective of the world with a more realistic cyber design. These 3D graphics are used in almost every website as well as web services in web 3.0. In e-commerce websites, online games, the real estate industry, insurance, banking, browsers, remote jobs, messaging, exchange services, etc 3D graphics are used extensively to enhance the overall experience of the user.

4. Ubiquitous

Ubiquitous refers to the omnipresent. Web 3.0 is something that has an idea of existing everywhere at the same time. Take the example of Instagram or Facebook, if you upload one post created by you, it can be easily shared throughout the web, and within a minute people from everywhere can see it/visit it. But the post will be your intellectual property.

What Are The Benefits Of Web 3.0?

The revolution for the internet has started already which is certainly going to change our whole life soon. Web 1.0 started the journey of the internet by enabling users to connect normally. Web 2.0 took ahead the journey and finally web 3.0 is here which is giving much more things to its users. Initially, the journey of web 3.0 was quite simple but when the era of bitcoin started, the vision and approach of web 3.0 got renovated fully. It offers the most decentralized features that blockchain offers to all users.

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Here are some benefits that are offered by web 3.0 users.

  • Anti-monopoly
  • Secure network
  • Data ownership
  • Interoperability
  • No interruption within service
  • Permissionless blockchain service

Here check out the detailed benefit.

1. Anti-monopoly

Web 3.0 brings a superb privacy feature along with anti-monopoly. Whatever will be shared through the web 3.0 application, will come with a privacy feature. There will be no middleman of any kind of business or social content between the user and the viewer. This will also benefit the blockchain system such as Ethereum, Hyperledger, Corda, etc. Also, the corporation or the government is quite interested in this service because it will help them to focus on privacy other than control.

2. Secure network

Undoubtedly the most secured one in web 3.0. Only two main factors namely distributed nature and decentralization made this possible. Hackers will find it quite tough to get into the network when it is in web 3.0. They can not take over a whole corporation or brand if the brand makes use of web 3.0. So the wholesome security is quite top-notch.

invest in web 3.0

3. Data ownership

Till now, all data created by users were stored and used by big corporate giants. But with web 3.0, it is possible to keep the data ownership by the end-users. Also, the data which is shared through the network will be encrypted. Users can also decide which information they want to share with third-party users or other people. Also, the creator can sell them and earn a good buck at the same time.

4. Interoperability

Interoperability is another key feature of this new-age web system. It is completely easy to make use of data on various devices. This may include T.V.s, smartphones, smart roads, and much more. Developers can also get easy access to create new applications suitable for all devices.

5. No interruption within service

Less interruption or no interruption is also loved by people when using something. As there will be no central operating system in web 3.0, there will be less or no chance of a distributed denial of service (DDoS) or other types of service malfunction. This is another reason people find it the greatest place to find and share data and critical services without keeping the thought of service interruption.

6. Permissionless blockchain service

Empowering the blockchain was one of the main mottos of web 3.0 which will not have any central organization or authority. It means, there will be no such barrier among users to join and connect to the blockchain. They can easily participate in this blockchain universe just by creating an address. This permissionless blockchain is something exciting that is opening up a lot of new possibilities. The one valuable benefit is. people who were discriminated against earlier just for their race, color, gender, income, geographical location, etc can easily get easy access to the journey. So, welcome to the world of no restriction.

invest in web 3.0

Decentralized Apps- the Doorway to Invest in Web 3.0

Now you have a fair understanding about what is exactly the web 3.0. Right! Now you should have a little bit of an idea about dApps or decentralized apps. You are indeed going to make use of the same browser to search for something but the internal system will be changed immensely. Of course, this new technology will take a lot of time to mature enough but there will be a lot of things that you can use with advanced efficiency and intelligence.

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All business entities have to adopt this whole new blockchain technology to be upgraded as it is certainly more versatile. Every transaction made by web 3.0 will be authenticated and verified just before taking place. This whole process will be the most secure for any kind of business idea.

To make this thing easier, dApps are now taking over. Using these kinds of dApps, anyone can easily create decentralized business models. Here we will discuss the details of dApps. A total of 8 types of Apps are present as of now.

1. Social networks

Web 3.0 changes the whole style of social networking sites. With the help of the decentralized model, there will be no limitations anyway. The main benefits of decentralized social media are:

  • There will be no central organization that will control data.
  • Users will reap the reward or some assets,
  • Privacy will be protected in every possible way.

Examples of decentralized social media are Sapien, Sola, etc.

2. Exchange services

Decentralized exchanges are coming to the limelight as they provide an impeccable user experience without any hacking issues while maintaining transparency. The main benefits of decentralized exchange service are:

  • The transaction is cheaper.
  • The whole transaction service is lightning fast.
  • A decentralized system will be the barrier against the hack.
  • Hardware wallets can be used properly.

Examples of decentralized exchange services are IDEX and EOSFinex.

3. Messaging

From Whatsapp to Messenger, everywhere decentralized system is being used now. The benefits of decentralized messaging are:

  • Privacy is well kept.
  • Sending rewards are faster than ever before.
  • Your data will be saved because it will not be used for any kind of advertisement.
  • Any kind of transaction is faster.

Examples of messaging are e-chat, ySign, etc.

invest in web 3.0

4. Storage

The storage system is going to adopt this web 3.0 technology same as the blockchain because it will secure all kinds of data of users. There will be practically no scope for a data breach. The decentralized storage system performs well with all kinds of platforms. Also, it will be cheaper. Examples are Storj, Sia, etc.

5. Insurance & banking

It is another sector where decentralized technology is playing well. The main benefits are fewer fraudulent cases, high-end customer experience, empowering digital savvy, etc. Examples are Everledger, Cahsaa, etc.

6. Content streaming

The streaming industry is one of the biggest industries right now. It can also be improved with the help of decentralized technology. The main benefits are: The work environment is transparent, equal chance to promote works, copyright options are available, etc. Examples are UjoMusic, LivePeer, etc.

7. Remote work

In the US, the overall job sector is moving to remote work. The main benefits of using a decentralized remote job sector are no or minimal charge, anyone can start working because there is no central authority, cryptocurrency payment is available, etc. Examples are Ethlance, CryptoTask, etc.

8. Browsing

Browsers are the basically entrance of any internet-based work. You may use google chrome, opera, firefox, etc. All of these are browsers. The benefits of decentralized browsers are users can use the internet privately, have fewer security loopholes, have a faster way to do searches, secure paths, are always on, etc. Examples are Brave, Breaker Browser, etc.

Why Invest In Web 3.0?

When web 1.0 and web 2.0 was suffering from a few flaws while used by people, web 3.0 started gaining the whole traction with the best and most efficient user experience. The whole web industry became more enthusiastic about all kinds of benefits and features of web 3.0. New business structures and models started to arise. New career options and multiple ways to invest in web 3.0 are open to new-age entrepreneurs.

The goal of web 3.0 is to be more respectful to users and more collaborative in every aspect. A few people say that investing creates a big risk for investors. But those who are eagerly waiting to take the risk, are going tonreap the success of web 3.0. So, you can invest in web 3.0 to reap the extra benefits.

How To Invest In Web 3.0?

Truth be told, if you want to invest in web 3.0, it can be a complex process. This will demand intensive research as well as a proper understanding of the market. But to invest in web 3.0 is becoming the trend for lots of big companies and brands. If you want to be in the top per cent of the market, you have to go with the trend of investing. Who can say that this ongoing trend will be one of the mainstream businesses for all?

If you are going to invest in web 3.0, then here are some options for you.

Stocks such as Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)

It is a semiconductor company that supplies CPUs or central processing units as well as graphics processing units with higher efficiency. They supply these for PC, workstations, servers, etc. It is quite a lucrative business idea in the world. Apart from just CPUs and GPUs, this company is now providing artificial intelligence services along with training.

This business model is getting stronger with more investments in research & development. To provide the best experience to the users, they are continuously evolving them with all kinds of web 3.0 technologies. Surely, AMD chips will be inseparable parts of blockchain technologies as well.

There are other companies (Meta, Coinbase, Apple, Nvidia, Cloudflare, Block) that might be of interest to you, so make sure you research their stocks as well. Also read – Metaverse Stocks.

Non-fungible Tokens

The one-of-a-kind digital item is NFTs or non-fungible tokens. Usually, NFTs are the type of artforms from the best artists across the globe at a high price. The whole NFT market is now breaking out among people. In just one year the market grew from $8.07 million to $4.8 billion. But why it is happening?

Well, NFTs have the best kind of utility to invest in web 3.0 technology. NFTs are something that can not be replaced by anyone and it is proof of ownership universally. Apart from this, NFTs can be sold, traded, and finally brought. In the metaverse, NFTs can also be used as avatars. So, people are getting interested in investing in NFTs to get more profits.

Cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin

You can say that cryptocurrencies are the financing arm of the whole web 3.0 technology. In the metaverse, crypto is already in use to trade NFTs, lands, real estate, etc. Big investors are thinking of using crypto to buy or create something like the real world. Day by day, it is becoming one of the best mainstream business ideas for all. If you can believe in this crypto, then you can invest to earn a bigger reward in the future. It is really easy to invest in web 3.0 via cryptocurrency.

invest in web 3.0


Lots of investors and business owners are now getting attracted by this web 3.0 opportunity. All these investors want to invest in web 3.0. Though it may not be the most essential part of everyday life, it has lots to offer where you can get new opportunities for investments. You can start your investment journey with very basic knowledge about things such as NFTs, crypto, etc. Also, keep in mind to conduct detailed research work to be a successful investor in the future. We hope you got to know how to invest in web 3.0 through this article. So, it is time to start your journey!

Disclosure: Among the stocks mentioned, we have investments in Bitcoin, Meta, Apple, Nvidia, Cloudflare, Block.