7 Smart Tips On Buying A New Or Used Car Amid Inflation

Since declaring Covid-19 a global pandemic on 11 March 2020, the order of how things used to work became disrupted. The effects were felt across industries, forcing some to shut down as they couldn’t keep up with the changes.

To make the situation worse, the Russian war in Ukraine began in February of 2022, when we thought we were learning to live in the pandemic. This war has affected the supply of the essential commodity in the manufacturing sector—gas—as food shortages in the developing world pinch hard.

The Russian war in Ukraine and the Covid-19 pandemic have led to all-time high inflation since 1982. Today, gas prices, extended auto warranty, and used and new cars skyrocket as demand exceeds supply. So, how should you respond to buying a new or used car or any vehicle amid inflation?

Tips On Buying A New Or Used Car Amid Inflation

1. Research

We all know there is never a lack of opportunists whenever there is a crisis. The production of new cars is low. This shortage is brought about by the lack of a sufficient supply of computer chips that are vital in car manufacture.

As a result, buyers are turning to used cars, whose prices are not reasonable either—if you compare their prices since 2015, you will realize they have gone up to a whopping 44%. This ridiculous raise has made car buyers vulnerable to scammers as they try looking for better dealership deals.

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To avoid using your money to buy ‘nothing,’ do a lot of research about the dealership you intend to do business with. If possible, ask a person within your circle where they bought their recent ride and start from there.

2. Be Patient

Since the demand is way more than the supply, remember that today’s purchases are different from before the crises. Even after paying the whole amount, getting the car on the same day is impossible.

When buying one, have a waiting period in mind. It is common for orders to take between 4-6 weeks until delivery. To avoid inconveniences, consider placing an order early enough.

3. Budget

As we continue experiencing the effects of inflation, it is smart to budget for your purchase and the expenses involved after the purchase. Consider gas and insurance prices for your vehicle and buy what you can afford. You can adjust to a car model different from the one you have always wanted to make budgeting practical.

Financial experts advise those intending to purchase autos, whether new or old, to live below their means. It will save you the frustration of the rising and unpredictable prices of different commodities.

4. Be Realistic

It is common to find people buying cars that do not align with their needs. For example, if you are a small family with two kids, buying a seven-seater will be a waste. The remaining seats will always remain empty unless you have a reunion for the extended family. Why not get a two-row car?

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Besides the size of the family, consider the weather in your area. It should be in line with the long and consistent weather periods.

5. Consider Leasing

If you are not ready to adjust your needs for a brand you dislike, you can consider leasing. If your favorite brand and model are out of stock and can’t wait, or your budget is not enough for the current market price, leasing is a viable option.

With leasing, understand that you will have to bear with mileage restrictions. When the markets resume to almost normal, you can proceed with your purchase.

6. Go for an Electric Vehicle


As we strive to reduce greenhouse gases, manufacturers are outdoing each other in creating quality EVS. As a result, their prices are also competitive, and you get to enjoy the tax credits. These vehicles are predicted to be the preferred option by car enthusiasts in the next ten years, without forgetting the increasing gas prices.

7. Consider Other Locations

As buying cars gets hectic by the day, it is advisable to try different locations and compare prices. You can come across a dealership outside your location offering better deals, which means some savings.

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Although the differences are small, they are reasonable. The goal is to save as little or as much as we can to survive these times.

Are you wondering how other car buyers are going about buying during these crazy times? You are not alone. Though confusing and frustrating, you can have a successful purchase for a new or used car for easy and comfortable moves to different locations.